Must Have Guide | A Growing List of Our Favorite Products!

Have a photographer on your gift list and no clue what to get them? Want to go beyond a lens canteen (although, photographers and coffee often go synonymously and a lens canteen is always appreciated!) - But do you want to go BEYOND the typical camera paraphernalia and go for something that's going to be loved and used, rather than chucked aside and forgotten about? Whether for the holidays or any old reason - a thoughtfully considered gift or what we like to refer to as "things we want, but would never buy ourselves" can go a very long way!

Here are our top 10 affordable gifting ideas for any kind of photographer! 



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  1.  Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts Keyboard Skin - Typically, one who dabbles in the art of digital photography, will also dabble in some sort of computerized editing during their process. Add some ease to the editing process by introducing this super productive shortcut keyboard skin! It goes right on top of the keyboard (works as a protector too!) With the shortcuts easily in sight, this useful keyboard tool will help increase your PS speed to that of an expert!

2. Matador Camera Layer - A compact camera bag with down goose feathers to keep the gear inside warm, dry and padded for protection. Hey, if you would wear it in the winter, then a camera would to! For the explorer and adventure photographer who braves the elements to get the shot! They would most certainly appreciate the thought. 


3. Water Resistant and Shock Proof Memory Card Case - A great idea for any photographer to always have on hand. Unfortunately, accidents happen. Prevent them with this case that's beneficial for protection and organization as well!


4. Any Kind of Tech Gloves - These really come in handy, especially during the winter months. Some DSLR's feature a touch screen, making these gloves that are equipped with touch screen technology in the fingertips a must! 


5. Membership to a local garden or museum - Encourage the photographer in your life get out and explore. Some cities have museums that charge admission. Usually a membership pays for itself after two visits.  

Pammy ChenComment