Shooting Reflective Objects

Mastering skills in the realm of technical photography is a journey in itself. We personally feel as though you can never know it all. Whether operating the camera in manual mode, navigating the features of digital softwares like Photoshop and Lightroom, or in the studio, designing set and lighting schemes to best light your subject...experimentation is key to understanding these skills!

Here, in this week's exercise, we wanted to capture this crystalized perfume dropper against a white backdrop, on a mirrored surface. 

Camera Settings: ISO 100, 50mm lens, f/6.3, 1/125th sec

Lighting Details: Used front facing external flash speed light to light the front of the subject and two mono-lights placed at both sides of the subject to eliminate shadows. For this occasion, we attached a portable mini round softbox tent diffuser on top of the speed light. The camera was placed on a tripod, at a distance of around 30inches from the subject. 

And how do you think it came out? Leave your thoughts in the comments!